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Center Grants

Center grants can be an important feature in the funding landscapes of prominent universities.  
Nevertheless, few institutions have the research development architecture to support the submission of strong, thematically-cohesive center grants despite the administrative and personnel burden on the front end and the relative inexperience of even the most well-established investigators. 

When supporting center grant submissions, I work closely with both investigators and administrative support structures to guide the development of center grants that are oriented towards a clearly articulated mission statement that is responsive to agency funding priorities and grant guidelines.  
I work in a consultative capacity to build a center structure and then work closely with the key grant writers to ensure not only research rigor but thematic cohesion - so that the whole center is greater than the sum of its parts.

Consultations to create a center title and mission statement.  I will meet with key center personnel, listen to objectives and help leaders define a mission statement.

Collating reverse outlines or templates for each of the center cores, including the research strategy document, the administrative core, the educational or investigator development core and others.

Working with individual project and core teams to design significant, innovative and rigorous research approach sections.

Reviewing aims pages for each component projects (where relevant) plus all cores to ensure research rigor and integration of the center mission statement.  


Thanks! I'll be in touch soon.

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